digging important in volleyball

Why is Digging Important in Volleyball? The Key to Defense

In the energetic world of volleyball, every skill has its own significance and contributes distinctively to the team’s success. Among the many essential techniques in volleyball, digging stands out as one of the pivotal defensive maneuvers that can quite literally save the game. 

But what is digging in volleyball, and why is it given so much importance? Here, we dissect the elements of a successful dig and its fundamental role in volleyball.

Understanding the Dig

Digging is a defensive move executed to ‘dig’ the ball out from a near-ground level after an opponent’s attack or spike. It requires a player to be both quick and accurate, reaching the ball just in time to scoop it upward and keep it in play. 

The intention is to prevent the ball from touching the court on your side following an opponent’s aggressive offensive play. Let’s explore why this maneuver is so crucial to the game.

The Importance of Digging in Volleyball

The significance of the dig in volleyball arises from several key aspects of the game:

  • Defense: A great dig can turn the tide of the game by transitioning from a defensive position to setting up a counterattack.
  • Teamwork: Digging often sets up the ball for a teammate to then set or spike, displaying the cooperative nature of the game.
  • Momentum: Successfully digging a powerful spike can boost the team’s morale and disrupt the opponent’s momentum.

But to better understand its importance, we need to look closely into the gameplay situation that involves digging.

ScenarioRole of DiggingImpact on Game
Opponent spikes the ballA good Dig keeps the ball in play and prevents a point for the opponent.Defensive success
Fast-paced rallyConsistent digging maintains the rally and tires out the opponent.Sustained pressure
Saving a tough ballDigging up a difficult ball shows skill and determination.Morale boost
digging important in volleyball

Improving Your Digging Technique

To become proficient at digging, here are some tips and exercises to consider:

1. Positioning: Always stay on the balls of your feet and be ready to move in any direction.

2. Form: Keep your arms straight and together, using your legs to absorb the impact of the ball.

3. Drills: Practice with a partner or coach to simulate real game scenarios and refine your reactions and timing.

4. Mental Toughness: Stay focused and resilient, as digging can be physically and mentally demanding.

Consistent practice and understanding of the game will gradually improve your digging and overall defensive capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What Is Digging In Volleyball?

Digging is a defensive move in volleyball where a player prevents the ball from hitting their court after a spike or attack from the opponent.

Read More: What is a Dig in Volleyball? Full article

How Does Digging Benefit A Volleyball Team?

Successful digging stops powerful attacks, allowing a team to keep the ball in play and set up their offense.

Who Typically Performs The Dig In Volleyball?

Liberos, who are defensive specialists, along with other back-row players, are typically responsible for digging in volleyball.

What Skills Are Required For Effective Digging?

Effective digging requires quick reflexes, anticipatory skills, agility, proper body positioning, and ball control.


Digging is an undeniably crucial skill in volleyball that requires swift reflexes, precision, and a strong defensive mindset. 

It not only preserves the play but can also provide an uplifting psychological edge to the team executing it effectively. 

Mastering the art of digging brings you one step closer to becoming a well-rounded volleyball player and an invaluable asset to your team. So, keep digging, and watch as your team’s defensive wall becomes impenetrable!

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